HUE Photo Series: Fall 2019

October 14, 2020



Through our HUE (Honouring Unapologetic Expression) photo series, we aim to bring forth the various talents, interests and stories of women of colour living in or connected to Durham Region, Canada. This project allows us to not only build a community among womxn of colour, but also highlight the beauty of Durham Region and rebuild or create connections to various spaces and locations.

Location: Studio 117, Whitby, ON.

The first location for our first HUE series session was Studio 117. This hidden gem is located on the top floor of 117 Brock Street South and is fully run by a group of women who also own their own businesses and want to help you grow your business as well.

HUE Photo Series: Fall 2019
wocdc hue 2019 fall
hue fall 2019
hue 2019 fall
HUE fall 2019 wocdc

"I would have never known this place was here if i wasn't a part of this."

"I never knew this existed in Durham."

These are just some of the responses we heard from our participants. It's true that not everyone knows about what is open and available to them within Durham Region, Canada, but it is also true that if we do not see ourselves reflected in these spaces, we subconsciously or consciously avoid them. This is why this photo series is so important to us - taking up space is about going where we haven't gone before, showing up as our truest selves and being unapologetic about it.

Now, let us introduce you to our stunning participants:

Want to get to know these womxn in our photo series? Simply head over to our WOCDC HUE account (@wocdchue) and read their responses to the following questions:

  • What's your name and age?
  • What's your connection to Durham Region?
  • What does being a womxn of colour mean to you?
  • Why is building community important to you?

"Seeing womxn of colour in spaces where they are not typically seen in, is important" - Tortise

This was one response that really stood out to us. This quote not only explains our photo series, but also the motivation behind our whole organization. We need to see more womxn of colour doing great things!